Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pour La Pooch

Not a day goes by without someone asking me, "Boodles, how do you always manage to look so fabulous?" So, I thought I would share my "secret" with all of you, my adoring fans -- It is Gia and her wonderful staff at Pour La Pooch. Not only do they primp and pamper me, but Gia always gives me a yummy chicken treat before I leave.

Monday, October 26, 2009

We Have A Winner

Modesty almost forbids me from mentioning the fact that I won the most creative costume award at the West Hollywood Dog Costume Contest yesterday. However, since I know how disappointed all my fans would be if I didn't share this wonderful news, I'm notifying all of you and sending along photos. I went as "A Sheep In Wolf's Clothing," and I must say that I was greeted with a warm reception by the spectators, the judges, and, especially, the MC, who I rewarded with a good licking.
I just love strutting down a runway, don't you? The flash bulbs, the applause, the joyous laughter -- it is just heaven. And then afterward, having all the paparazzi come over to take close ups and interview moi, well, it was just a lovely, lovely day. Plus, my beloved Godmother, June, came along to share it with me. I've already started making plans for next year. A gin fizz, Charles Lamb, Babe...well, I have a whole year to think about it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

West Hollywood Book Fair

I know this is a little late, but I wanted to tell you about the wonderful time I had at the West Hollywood Book Fair. Mom and I met our dear friends, Oliver and Aunt Joy, there. We walked around to all of the booths, including the one for West Hollywood West PAWS. We stopped at a face painter -- she was terrific and made me up to look just like a lamb! I recommend this event highly. Anything that encourages people to read in a fun way is great. Mom reads to me all the time.

A RAT As Big As Your Head

According to 2e, it was a mouse and quite dead when I found it. However, here is the true story of my Defense of the Family. I was standing on the kitchen porch surveying the backyard, when I saw the RAT over by the barbeque. I immediately realized that it was a danger to my family. So, I crept closer until I was in pouncing range. With one mightly leap, I was on it, grabbed it by neck and gave it a fearsome shake. Now, I'll admit I'm not quite sure whether it died from the shaking or from terror at the sight of me, but I know it was not already dead. And that it was a RAT, a RAT as big as your head. Really.