Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pour La Pooch

Not a day goes by without someone asking me, "Boodles, how do you always manage to look so fabulous?" So, I thought I would share my "secret" with all of you, my adoring fans -- It is Gia and her wonderful staff at Pour La Pooch. Not only do they primp and pamper me, but Gia always gives me a yummy chicken treat before I leave.

Monday, October 26, 2009

We Have A Winner

Modesty almost forbids me from mentioning the fact that I won the most creative costume award at the West Hollywood Dog Costume Contest yesterday. However, since I know how disappointed all my fans would be if I didn't share this wonderful news, I'm notifying all of you and sending along photos. I went as "A Sheep In Wolf's Clothing," and I must say that I was greeted with a warm reception by the spectators, the judges, and, especially, the MC, who I rewarded with a good licking.
I just love strutting down a runway, don't you? The flash bulbs, the applause, the joyous laughter -- it is just heaven. And then afterward, having all the paparazzi come over to take close ups and interview moi, well, it was just a lovely, lovely day. Plus, my beloved Godmother, June, came along to share it with me. I've already started making plans for next year. A gin fizz, Charles Lamb, Babe...well, I have a whole year to think about it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

West Hollywood Book Fair

I know this is a little late, but I wanted to tell you about the wonderful time I had at the West Hollywood Book Fair. Mom and I met our dear friends, Oliver and Aunt Joy, there. We walked around to all of the booths, including the one for West Hollywood West PAWS. We stopped at a face painter -- she was terrific and made me up to look just like a lamb! I recommend this event highly. Anything that encourages people to read in a fun way is great. Mom reads to me all the time.

A RAT As Big As Your Head

According to 2e, it was a mouse and quite dead when I found it. However, here is the true story of my Defense of the Family. I was standing on the kitchen porch surveying the backyard, when I saw the RAT over by the barbeque. I immediately realized that it was a danger to my family. So, I crept closer until I was in pouncing range. With one mightly leap, I was on it, grabbed it by neck and gave it a fearsome shake. Now, I'll admit I'm not quite sure whether it died from the shaking or from terror at the sight of me, but I know it was not already dead. And that it was a RAT, a RAT as big as your head. Really.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

DJ Is [Not] Coming

I have wonderful news! My litter mate, DJ, is joining the family. He is a wonderful guy and will be a great addition to the household. Haven't seen him in ages, but I sure he is still same playful knucklehead I knew as a puppy.

UPDATE: Sad news. Things didn't work out with DJ and he went home to Ontario yesterday. So, it is just the two amigos once again.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My Brother, My Friend

I am sad to report that Riley has passed. He was my teacher and my protector, and I miss him everyday. I will try to remember all the life lessons he taught me. Rest in peace, sweet Riley.

Monday, July 13, 2009

I Am A Good Citizen

Today, I am the luckiest dog on earth! I can't tell you how excited I am about getting my Good Citizenship certificate. After putting in over 42 weeks (dog time) of hard work, it was such a relief to have it all pay off. Now, I can go into therapy training or become an actor or maybe even write a screen play about my experience.

I would like to thank the AKC; my trainer, Susan Isaacs; Gia at Pour La Pooch for my fabulous haircut; my Godmother, June, for all her time and attention; my Grandmother, Jean Kulm, for bringing me into this world; my vet, Dr. Ebling for keeping me in tip top shape; my dear, dear friend, Anita, for all the wonderful lunches and shopping (kiss, kiss); Heidi, for teaching me to keep my eye on the ball; and most of all, my loving family, for helping me become the dazzling dog that I am. I couldn't have done it without you!

Photo shows my evaluator, my trainer, Susan Isaacs, and me.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Good Citizenship Class

First of all, let me apologize for not keeping in touch with all my fans out there. When you are young, soft, and cuddly like I am, everyone wants a piece of you in this town, and, as you may know, I'm one puppy that has a very hard time saying, "no." But I promise to do better.

At the moment, I'm enrolled in a very demanding class, "Canine Good Citizenship." Now, I know you are all thinking why in the world would Boodles need a class like that and, I must admit, I wondered the same thing myself. However, mom explained that I can't become a therapy dog without passing the canine good citizenship test. And being a therapy dog has been a lifelong dream of mine, so I have no choice.

Besides, it makes me smile inside just to think of how much joy I'll bring to people, when I show up in my little yellow coat, smiling and wagging to everyone.